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Image by Johanne Pold Jacobsen

Our Mission

"I feel my mission is soon to begin, to make others love God as I do,

to teach others my little way." 


Ladies of the Little Flower make the mission of the Little Flower our own! 


The mission has three parts.

Women of Prayer

Saint Thérèse was a woman of prayer. Ladies of the Little Flower strive to be women of prayer also. We begin each of our monthly meetings with thirty minutes of prayer together in the Donahue Academy Chapel. The following is our "Time of Prayer" in download form. 

Virtuous Friendships

Bible Text

Ladies of the Little Flower gather together once a month to foster friendships that help and encourage us to grow in virtue. We discuss as we read through our study book, going around the room with each person reading a paragraph out loud from the month's chapter. Our choice of book connects with our Saint and her little way, "the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surrender to Jesus."​​

The Roses

Saint Thérèse's "shower of roses" is both figurative and actual. Thérèse loved roses. Towards the end of her life, as she lay suffering in the convent infirmary, Thérèse would look outside and see the beautiful rose bushes. As the day of her death drew near, she spoke these prophetic words, "After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth. I will raise up a mighty host of little Saints. My mission is to make God loved."


Roses are Saint Thérèse's signature. She will sometimes arrange for an actual rose to be given to those who ask for a sign. Hundreds of thousands of people have given witness to the way Thérèse has interceded for their petitions by the graces they received. The roses represent the countless answered prayers, both great and small, that have been granted by God through her powerful prayers of intercession. 


Ladies of the Little Flower are always ready to help spread devotion to Saint Thérèse by sharing her prayer card and even giving someone her signature rose when we feel led to do so. At each monthly meeting, a Lady of the Little Flower volunteers to bring a bouquet of roses for that month. At the end of the meeting, anyone is welcome to take a rose home with them along with the available prayer cards. They do this with the intention of giving the "Saint Thérèse" rose and prayer card away to a person they feel drawn to visit - perhaps a new mom, someone who is ill, or a person who has recently lost a loved one. It is our way of helping continue Thérèse's mission, which is ours too, "to make God loved."


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